Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sacrifice in Lac Toba

Here are photos of where human sacrifices took place in Danau Toba... Quite scary... We had an old lady explaining us how they first cut your cheek off and then brake all your bones before cutting your head off... Argh.... The King and Queen were present of course as they were the ones who would then have the privilege of eating the feast with other important chiefs ....Apparently they sacrificed the worst warrier (poor guy!)

We were terrorized: felt obligated to buy stuff off them so they wouldn't eat US!

The "Stone Chairs' where it all took place:

The stones on which the sacrifice was laid:

The King and the Queen...


...ou aussi Lac Toba. Merveilleuse enclave chrétienne/protestante dans Sumatra... Le peuple Batak est connu pour son passé cannibale mais aussi sa merveilleuse architecture, son hospitalité et la beauté des gens... bref, tout un programme. Nous y avons passé le week end de la fête d'Indépendance (pas idéal pour voyager mais bon)... Personnellement, une grande familiarité avec cet endroit qui me faisait penser à Annecy!


Retour à la civilisation...

Le week end dernier, petite escapade au Lac Toba.. Sur la route, arrêt obligé par Medan, troisième ville Indonésienne... une jungle urbaine irrespirable.. mais où l'on trouve des sushis à gogo et des jeux vidéos.... la complexité même par rapport à Banda Aceh... On s'y est laissé prendre.. avec notre ami Bastien et notre coloc Adèle. .

Apéritif sur la plage

... Ce qui est totalement illégal bien sur, mais tellement agréabbbbllllllllleeeeeee.....

How I lost my future husband for 2 weeks

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

There are Tigers here...

Local Newspaper:
"Aceh Selatan - The viciousness of tigers in the mountain of Meukek Sub-district, Aceh Selatan seems no indication to slow down. Within the last two months, there are three people had been deadly attacked by those tigers. The latest incident occurred to Amiruddin (50), a villager of Buket Meuh on Tue (14/8). Amiruddin was founded dead on Wed (15/8) afternoon. Villagers believe that he was attacked by the tiger in that area. His body was founded by a man who passed his nutmeg farm in Panton Kuba Mountain. This man saw blood scattered about near the scene and then he went down the mountain and reported it to locals. Residents then went to the scene and found the body of Amiruddin incompletely. His head and thigh were gone."

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

un week end entre amis dans un petit coin de Paradis...

L'île s'appelle Pulau Weh, plus connu sous le nom de Sabang (le nom de la "ville")... C 'est endroit c'est Ibuoih, petit hameau de bungalows pour backpackers et expats humanitaires... ici, les filles peuvent se mettre en maillot et on boit de la bière en regardant le soleil couchant.. un grand bol d'air frais lorsque Banda Aceh devient étouffant...

Merci à Sébastian pour les photos!

Petits princes Acehnais....

Trip to Lhokseumawe... continuation and end

school children in their uniforms... (red and white, I wonder why... )

Villagers looking on...

Bananas season...

Traditional Dancing in Aceh

Also seen during my trip to Lhokseumawe... enjoy

And proud mothers looking on...

Friday, August 03, 2007

But how is chocolate made?????

Many of us have NO idea.. Well, here goes, with pictures from the trip I just took with my boss, Wolfram, to Lhokseumawe and our organic cocoa plantation project there... Quite an experience! More pictures to follow..

Cocoa beans

And again...

And inside.... You can suck those white parts.. it's delicious! But the chocolate bean is inside and can't be eaten.. It has to be dried!

A cocoa farmer and our office manager in Lhokseumawe Ibu Lady